It’s not about the can opener…

I remember a few years ago, reading a post on a sailing forum that has stayed with me. A sailor had just sold everything to move aboard and start sailing full time. She was checking off a list of items she needed for her new lifestyle but seemed to be more than a little concerned with buying the right can opener. What was the best brand? Was there a particular marine grade can opener that was superior? What was ergonomically suited to onboard life? Seemed like a lot of angst over purchasing something as inconsequential as a can opener. Its just a can opener, right? Buy one and get on with it. So many things to worry about and she was worried about a can opener?

In my shameful ignorance, I scoffed. 

Cid, meet Hubris. You two are going to be great pals.

Mark and I have been actively planning on setting sail for 12 years now. We’ve been delayed time and again by too many trials to recount, but sailing full time was always the plan. This was agreed to in the very first days of our relationship over 17 years ago Selling our house, cars, furniture, donating the rest, leaving a company I enjoyed working for, leaving family and friends behind- all of this was planned long ago. 

I assumed that it would be as easy as it was when we left for the Bahamas a few years ago. There is a big difference. That difference is no longer having a land-based home. When we did our last shakedown cruise, having a home elsewhere meant that if the boat did not have everything we needed/wanted/desired on board, any particular itch for stuff or gadgets could be fulfilled later back at the house. We no longer have that option.

When you’ve gotten rid of all your stuff you worked all those years to acquire, a bit of anxiety can creep in. When you know you will have very few things, making certain you have chosen wisely weighs a bit more. But its really not about the can opener.

Its nervousness that comes from choosing a different path, from taking a huge leap into a completely different way of life. I think it will be amazing. And terrible. And a horrible idea! And then there will be dolphins riding at the bow as you come into a new port and there will be new people and places to see.

And I get to see them with the best dad gummed can opener tucked safely in the galley of our very own adventure vehicle.

Worst case scenario, I actually have 2 can openers on board.

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Hello world of food

1.Drop Down