We had a zesty sail up from Miami to Fort Pierce. Good wind, sunshine and Ceol Mor in her element. Man this boat does love some wind and waves. Now we were entering the area of Florida of my youth, the area my mum’s family is from and where I spent the first decade of my life and it could not be more different from Miami.
We pulled into Fort Pierce just head of a bit of a blow. Anchoring was a bit tricky as the current in the inlet is a bit much at times, but no worries. All chain rode, an upsized Mantus and we are good to go.

Fort Pierce has invested heavily in the waterfront area. There is a free dinghy dock, $5 showers at the City marina, laundry, fuel water, pump out everything you need as a boater. A large Ace hardware is within walking distance. AS a boater there is a whole lot to like about Fort Pierce.
When we arrived it was in time for a Saturday Farmer’s market. Music, crafts, baked goods, people. An interesting diversion for an afternoon. The downtown area is filled with cute little cafes, bars and shops. They’ve invested quite a bit in public art, which I love. Fort Pierce is really trying to become a tourist destination.

But you can tell they are struggling. I’m not sure if this is due to Covid hardships or if they’ve just yet to see the return on their investment. Walk past the waterfront to US-1 and you see shuttered gas stations. Sun bleached buildings that seem to visibly sigh with the struggle of remaining solvent. Used car dealerships offering in house financing on 20 year old vehicles. A used tire store. The sunrise city is struggling. As for me, I’m rooting for them to succeed.

You have to love a city that invests in public art that celebrates the
slightly overweight middle aged American male. I seriously loved this sculpture.
Who needs Adonis when you have Mike?

This one seemed to be a tribute to the Eye of Sauron which is creepy. Isn’t the whole point to avoid the all seeing eye?

I am convinced that the whole of this area of Florida is where kitsch was invented. It has always been this way. I love a bit of weird and so does Florida. Perhaps my love of tack comes from spending my formative years surrounded by it….